The 16th century Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti is now home to the so-called Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (it has been working as headquarters to the said institute since 1999). It is located in San Marco, close to Ponte dell'Accademia, and its facade is an excellent example of late Venetian Gothic.

The palace was built in 1565, but little is known about its architect or context of construction. What is certain is the palace underwent a series of major restoration works during the 19th century, works commissioned by the rich aristocrat owners who successively bought and then sold the palace. This is how the palace acquired the late Gothic elements one can easily notice on the exterior of the building. For instance, the last private owner was the widow of Baron Raimondo Franchetti, a certain Sarah Luisa, daughter of Anselm Salomon Rothschild, who sold the property to the so-called Istituto Federale di Credito per il Risorgimento delle Venezie in 1922.

Some of the exterior highlights refer to the lushly ornate window frames and to monumental staircase built by Camillo Boito (commissioned to do this job when the palace was the property of Raimondo Franchetti).

Also worth noting is the small garden laid out between the palace and Ponte dell'Accademia.

Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti
2945, Campo San Stefano, San Marco, 30124, Venice, Italy
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